William Perehudoff was born near Saskatoon in 1919 and by the mid 1960’s he was considered to be one of Canada’s major abstract painters. Perehudoff studied with the French artist Jean Chariot at the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, Colorado Springs, Colorado, in 1948-49 and with the French Purist Amedee Ozenfant at the Ozenfant School of Fine Arts, New York, New York, in 1949-50.
Throughout the 1950s and 1960s he was an active participant in the Emma Lake Artists’ Workshops and participated in workshops led by Will Barnet (1957), Herman Cherry (1961), Clement Greenberg (1962), Kenneth Noland (1983), and Donald Judd (1968). In 1988 he was a workshop leader at Emma Lake.
His work has been widely exhibited in Canada with museum show at the Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon, The Edmonton Art Gallery and the Glenbow Art Gallery, Calgary as well as shows in commercial art galleries across the country. His work is in private and public collections in Canada, the US and Europe.
In 2011, The Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon was host to The Optimism of Colour: William Perehudoff, a Retrospective, featuring over sixty works drawn from public and private Canadian collections. William Perehudoff passed away in Saskatoon in 2013.
1918 in the Doukhobor community of Bogdanovka, near Langham
Lived in Saskatoon since 1951
Married Dorothy Knowles in Paris in 1951
1948-49 Studied art with French artist Jean Charlot and mural painting at the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, Colorado Springs, Colorado
1949-50 Studied with the French Purist Amedee Ozenfant at the Ozenfant School of Fine Arts, New York, New York
1951-52 Museum studies in England, France, and Italy
1968 Carnegie Institute of Technology, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
1957 Will Barnet
1961 Herman Cherry
1962 Clement Greenberg
1963 Kenneth Noland
1968 Donald Judd
1987 Triangle Artist’s Workshop, Pine Plains, New York
1988 William Perehudoff as workshop leader
1990 Willard Boepple, Robert Kudielka, Dorothy Knowles
2003 Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws (honoris causa)
1998 Order of Canada
1994 Saskatchewan Order of Merit
1989 Citation Award given by the New York State Association of Architects for the collaborative architectural project of the Triangle Artists’ Workshop in 1987
1978 Canada Council Grant
1978 University of Alberta National Award in Painting
1977 Manisphere 14th International Juried Art Show (Clement Greenberg Juror)
Royal Canadian Academy of Artists membership
Abitibi Price
American Express
Argus Corporation
The Art Gallery of Nova Scotia
The Bank of Montreal
The Bank of Nova Scotia
Campbell Godfrey & Lewtas
Canada Council Art Bank
Canpotex Ltd.
Clarkson Gordon
Coca Colas
Confederation Art Centre and Museum
Deacon Hodgson Inc.
The Edmonton Art Gallery
The Glenbow-Alberta Institute
Goodman & Goodman
Her majesty Queen Elizabeth( Print in portfolio given in 1976 in honour of the commonwealth Games)
Inner-city Gas Corporation
Kamloops Art Gallery
London Art Gallery
The MacKenzie Art Gallery
MacMillan Binch
MDC Group of Companies
Mendel Art Gallery
Mendel Collection
Mine supply Company, Sask.
Nabisco Food Brands
The National Gallery of Canada
Portland Art Museum, Portland, Oregon
Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan
Principal Trust
Royal Bank of Canada
The Saskatchewan Arts Board
Sask Tel
Shell Canada Ltd.
Secal-Alcan Ltd.
Sterling Universal
Toronto Dominion Bank
Tory, Tory, Deslauriers
Txibanguan Ltd.
United Financial Management Ltd.
University of Calgary
University of Lethbridge
Westburne Industrial Enterprises Ltd.
2010 The Optimism of Colour: William Perehudoff, a retrospective. Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon, SASK
2006 The Gallery / Art Placement Inc., Saskatoon, Sask
2004 Winchester Galleries, Victoria, B.C.
2003 The Gallery / Art Placement Inc., Saskatoon, Sask.
2002 Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon, Sask., William Perehudoff, Now and Then
2001 Douglas Udell Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta
2000 New Zones Art Gallery,Calgary, Alberta, Millennium Exhibition
2000 Miriam Shiell Fine Art, Toronto, Ontario
1999 The Gallery / Art Placement Inc., Saskatoon, Sask.
1999 Douglas Udell Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta
1998 The Gallery / Art Placement Inc., Saskatoon, Sask.
1998 Douglas Udell Gallery, Vancouver, B.C.
1998 Winchester Art Galleries, Victoria, B.C.
1997 Douglas Udell Gallery, Vancouver, B.C.
1996 The Gallery / Art Placement Inc., Saskatoon, Sask.
1993 The Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon, Sask., William Perehudoff, Edmonton Art
1993 The Gallery / Art Placement Inc., Saskatoon, Sask.
1993 Miriam Shiell Fine Art, Toronto, Ontario
1992 Grand Forks Art Gallery, Grand Forks, B.C.
1991 Woltjen Udell Gallery, Vancouver, B.C.
1991 The Gallery / Art Placement Inc., Saskatoon
1990 Woltjen Udell Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta
1990 Waddington Gorce Inc., Montreal, P.Q.
1990 Miriam Shiell Fine Art Ltd., Toronto, Ontario
1989 Canadian Art Galleries, Calgary, Alberta
1988 Woltjen Udell Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta & Vancouver, B.C.
1988 Eva Cohon gallery, Chicago, Illinois
1988 Waddingon Gorce Inc. Montreal, Quebec
1987 The Gallery / Art Placement Inc., Saskatoon, Sask.
1987 Waddington Shiell Gallery, Toronto, Ontario
1986 Waddington Gorce Inc., Montreal, Quebec
1986 Waddington Shiell Gallery, Toronto, Ontario
1986 Canadian Art Galleries, Calgary, Alberta
1985 Waddington Shiell Gallery, Toronto, Ontario
1985 Woltjen Udell Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta
1983 Waddington Shiell Gallery, Toronto, Ontario
1982 Waddington Galleries, New York, N.Y.
1982 Downstairs Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta
1981-83 Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon, Sask.
1981 Canadian Art Galleries, Calgary, Alberta
1980 Downstairs Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta
1980 Waddington Gallery, Toronto, Ontario
1980 Meridith Long Contemporary Gallery, New York, N.Y.
1979 Theo Waddington Galleries, Montreal, Quebec
1979 Theo Waddington Gallery, London, England
1978 Banff Fine Art Centre Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta
1978 University of Alberta Art Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta
1978 Waddington Gallery, Toronto
1978 Gallery One, Saskatoon
1978 Meredith Long Contemporary Gallery, New York, N.Y.
1977-78 Glenbow Alberta Institute, Calgary, Alberta, catalogue by Robert Christie
1977 Theo Waddington Galleries, Montreal, Quebec
1976 Waddington-Tooth Gallery, London, England
1976 Noah Goldowsky Gallery, New York, New York
1974 Theo Waddington Galleries, Montreal, Quebec
1974 Noah Goldowsky Gallery, New York, New York
1974 Saskatoon Public Library, Saskatoon, Sask.
1972-3 Edmonton Art Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta, Dunlop Art Gallery, Regina, Sask.
1970 The Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon, Sask.
1967 Bonli Gallery, Toronto, Ontario
1965 Regina Public Library, Regina, Sask.
1965 The Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatooon, Sask.
1965 Saskatoon Arts Centre, Saskatoon, Sask.
1961 Saskatoon Arts Centre, Saskatoon, Sask.
1952 Saskatoon Arts Centre, Saskatoon, Sask.
1950 Saskatoon Arts Centre, Saskatoon, Sask.
1948 Saskatoon Arts Centre, Saskatoon, Sask.
2007 Michael Gibson Gallery, London, Ontario, Abstract: Three Generations, William Perehudoff, Robert Christie, Jonathan Forest.
2004 APT Gallery, London, England, Three Generations, William Perehudoff, Robert Christie, Jonathan Forrest
2004 Kenderdine Art Gallery, Three Generations, William Perehudoff, Robert Christie, Jonathan Forrest
2003 Kenderdine Art Gallery, Lodestar, members of the Royal Canadian Academy as mentors of the next generation of artists, July 14-August 24
2003 The Mendel Art Gallery, The Uncanny, Experiments in Cyborg Culture, curated by Bruce Grenville
2003 The Gallery / Art Placement Inc., Saskatoon, Sask., New Abstraction
2003 Winchester Art Gallery, Victoria, B.C.
2002 Douglas Udell Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta, Fall Show
2002 Toronto Art Fair, represented by Miriam Shiell Fine Art and the Douglas Udell Gallery
2002 The Assiniboia Gallery, Regina, Sask.,25th Anniversary Show
2001 The MacKenzie Art Gallery, Regina, Saskatchewan, Dorothy Knowles and William Perehudoff, January 26-March 11
2001 Atrium Gallery, Ontario College of Art and Design, Toronto, Ontario Triangle Workshop Artists at OCAD, October 1-14
2001 Portland Art Museum, Portland, Oregon, Clement Greenberg, a Critic’s Choice
2000 Winnipeg Art Gallery, Royal Canadian Academy Group Show
1996 Kootenay Art Gallery, Castelgar, B.C.,Bill Perehudoff, Dorothy Knowles, Rebecca, Catherine, and Carol Perehudoff
1995 Douglas Udell Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta and Vancouver, B.C., Christmas Show
1994 The Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon, Sask., The Urban Prairie, curated by Dan Ring
1993 Douglas Udell Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta, New Acquisitions
1990 McMullan Gallery, A Family Show, McMullen Gallery, University of Alberta Hospital, Edmonton, Alberta
1989 The Mendel Art Gallery, The Flat Side of a Landscape, The Emma lake Artist’s Workshops, curated by John O’Brian
1988 Swift Current National Exhibition Centre, Swift Current, Sask., A Common Bond, catalogue by Robert Christie
1988 The Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon, Sask., Talking Through Time, Contemporary Art From Saskatoon
1987 The Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon, Sask., Tradition and Innovation, Saskatoon Art and the 1950’s, curated by Dan Ring
1987 Triangle Artists’ Workshop Exhibition, Pine Plains, New York, New York
1986 Woltjen Udell Gallery, Edmonton Art Gallery, Fall Show
1986 Assiniboia Gallery, Works on Paper, Regina, Sask.
1981 The Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa, Ontario, The Heritage of Jack Bush, A Tribute
1980 The Glenbow Museum, Calgary, Alberta Aspects of Canadian Painting in the Seventies, curated by Jeff Spalding
1979 Collector’s Choice Art Gallery Ltd., Saskatoon, Sask., Group Show
1978-79 Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, Ontario, 7 Prairie Painters, touring exhibition, Extension Services, catalogue introduction by Raymond Oullet
1978 Edmonton Art Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta, Modern Painting in Canada, catalogue by Terry Fenton and Karen Wilkin
1977 Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington, DC.,14 Canadians, A Critic’s Choice, catalogue by Andrew Hudson
1976 National Gallery of Canada , touring exhibition, Emma Lake and After, catalogue by Terry Fenton
1975-76 National circulating exhibition, The Canadian Canvas, catalogue by Dorris Shadbolt, Karen Wilkin, Alvin Balking, Ferdinand St. Martin, and Allan Mackay
1975 The Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Major Saskatchewan Artists
1974 Wallack Gallery, Ottawa, Ontario
1974 Edmonton Art Gallery, Prairie 74
1974 Hamilton Art Galley, Hamilton, Ontario, Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery, Kitchener, Ontario, 9 out of 10 – A Survey of Contemporary Canadian Art, catalogue introduction by Glen E. Cumming
1973 Art Gallery of Hamilton, Hamilton, Ontario,24th Annual Exhibition of Contemporary Canadian Art
1973 Norman Mackenzie Art Gallery, Regina, Saskatchewan, Emma Lake Workshops
1955-1973 catalogue introduction, Nancy E. Dillow
1973 Norman Mackenzie Art Gallery, Regina, Sask., Recent Acquisitions of the Norman Mackenzie Art Gallery
1973 Edmonton Art Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta, Edmonton Collects, catalogue by Karen Wilkin
1972 Waddington Galleries, Montreal, Quebec
1971 Edmonton Art Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta, The Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon, Sask., The Glenbow, Calgary, Alberta, West 71, catalogue introduction by Karen Wilkin
1971 The Norman Mackenzie Art Gallery, Regina, Sask. , Public Library, Regina, Sask., Saskatchewan Art and Artists, catalogue introduction by Nancy E. Dillow
1970 The Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon, Sask., Four Western Colourists
1969 Waddington Galleries, Montreal, Quebec
1968-69 The Art Gallery of Hamilton, Hamilton, Ontario, Edmonton Art Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta, 89th Annual Exhibition, Royal Canadian Academy of Arts
1968 The Winnipeg Art Gallery, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 11th Winnipeg Show
1968 Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Montreal, Quebec, 88th annual Exhibition of the Royal Academy of Arts
1968 The Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, Victoria, B.C.
1968 The Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon, Sask.
1968 The Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, Ontario, Canadian Artists, catalogue introduction by Dennis Young
1968 The National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, 7th Biennial Exhibition of Canadian Painting, catalogue by William C. Seitz
1968 Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Montreal, Quebec, Survey 68
1968 Winnipeg Art Gallery, Winnipeg, Manitoba
1967 The Norman Mackenzie Art Gallery, Regina, Sask., Saskatchewan Artists, catalogue by John Climer
1966 Calgary Allied Arts Centre, Calgary, Alberta , Ontario
1965 Winnipeg Art Gallery, Winnipeg, Manitoba
1965 Saskatchewan Jubilee, Regina, Sask., Clement Greenberg as coordinator
1963,64,65 Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Montreal, Quebec, Montreal Spring Show
1962 Winnipeg Art Gallery, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Winnipeg Biennial
1952 The Norman Mackenzie Art Gallery, Regina, Saskatchewan, Artists of Saskatchewan
1952 The Saskatoon Art Centre, Saskatoon, Sask., Two Person Show, with Dorothy Perehudoff(Knowles)
1948 The Saskatoon Art Association, Saskatoon, Sask., Spring Show
1947 The Saskatoon Art Association, Saskatoon, Sask. Spring Show
1946 The Saskatoon Art Association, Saskatoon, Sask, Fall Show
1946 The Saskatoon Art Centre, Saskatoon, Sask, Two Person Show, with Mashel Teitelbaum
1946 The Canadian Society of Painters in Water Color Annual Exhibition
1945 The Saskatoon Art Association, Saskatoon, Sask., Spring Show
Ayre, Robert, “Swivel in Art Display”, ‘Montreal Star’, Sept. 13, 1969
Anonymous, “Two-Man Show on Exhibit At Sakatoon Art Centre”, ‘Saskatoon Star Phoenix’, Feb. 6, 1946
Anonymous, “The Lighted School”, 1947
Anonymous, The Canadian Encyclopedia,(vol 2)c 1985 Hurtig Publishers, Edmonton, Alberta, p.1384
Anonymous, “Mural Paintings in School”, ‘Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, Thursday, June 30, 1949
Anonymous, “Mural by Perehudoff”, ‘Saskatoon Star Phoenix’, Wednesday, May 20, 1953
Ballantyne, Michael, “82nd Annual Show, The Spring Exhibition”, ‘The Montreal Star’, April 10, 1965
Brennan, Brian, “Galleries West”, ‘Visual Hearts’, Fall 2003, pp.20-23
Buchanan, Donald, “To Create a Livable Space”, ‘Canadian Art’, p.29,1952
Casey, Allan, “To Paint Against the Grain”, ‘Western Living’,Dec.1995,p.22 l -22 o
Christie, Robert, ”Perehudoff and Knowles”,’Artswest’,Vol.1, No. 5, 1976
Eaton, Nicole; Weston, Hilary , At Home in Canada, text c Nicole Eaton & Hilary Weston 1995 photography c Joy von Tiedemann, 1995 ,Published by the Penguin Group, Printed in Singapore, book excerpt in “Canadian House & Home”, Sept. 1995, c 1995 by Canadian Home Publishers, Printed in Canada, p. 52,53
Edinborough, Arnold, “Time Counts the Years and Celebrates Canada in Paintings”, ‘Financial Post’, Toronto, Ontario, Jan. 18 , 1975
Enright, R., “Saskatoon – Robert Enright Investigates”, ’Canadian Art, Winter 1984/85, (vol.1, no. 2), p. 51
Fenton, Terry, “Some Artists in Regina and Saskatoon” ’ArtsCanada’, Feb./Mar. 1971,(vol. 28, no. 1) p.51
Fenton, Terry, “High Culture in Prairie Canada, ‘Art New’, September 1974, (vol.73,no.7) pp.27-29
Fenton, Terry, “Abstraction West: Emma Lake & After”, The National Gallery of Canada, March 1976, No. 11, pp.3,4
Ferguson, B. “Conservation, & Experimentation in Saskatchewan Art”, ‘Arts Manitoba’, Fall 1982 (vol.2, no.1)p. 62
Forgery, B. , “Canadian Art in the Mainstream”, ‘The Washington Star’, Sun. Feb. 6, 1977, G1
Glabush, Sky, “Pere Perehudoff”, Border Crossings, Issue No. 71 ,Vol.18, No. 3 August 1999,pp. 63,64
Greenberg, Clement, “Clement Greenberg’s View of Art on the Prairies”, ‘Canadian Art’, March/April 1963, (vol. 20, no. 2)pp.99-107
Greenwood, Michael, “The Canadian Canvas”, ‘ArtsCanada’, March 1975, (vol. 32, no. 1)pp.1-16
Hebert, Gilles, “William Perehudoff: Now and Then”, Mendel Art Gallery Jan. 2003
Harvey, Bob, “Saskatchewan’s Promise Fulfilled”, ‘Edmonton Journal’, ‘Edmonton Journal’,
Heywood, Irene, “A Rebirth at Waddington’s”, ‘Montreal Gazette’, Sept.13, 1969
Hudson, Andrew, “Some Saskatchewan Painters”, ‘Art International”, 1964
James, Geoffrey, “The Canadian Canvas, A Broad Sweep”, ‘Time Canada’, Jan. 12,1975
Kellog, Alan, “Perehudoff Refines, Redefines His Gorgeous Abstracts”, ‘Edmonton Journal’, October 2001
Kurtz, John & Monica, Treasured Moments, c 1997 by James Kurtz Memorial Foundation Inc. , Designed, printed, and produced in Canada by PrintWest Communications Ltd.pp.12-15, 143
Kritzwizer, Kay, “Two Painters Testify to Western Canada’s Vitality”, ‘The Toronto Globe & Mail’, Sat. Oct. 21,1967
Leeper, M., “Views-Saskatoon’s Art Scene”, ‘ArtsWest’Vol. 7, No. 6, 1982, p.14
Lehmann, Henry, “On Canvas From Sea to Sea”, ‘Montreal Star, Quebec’, January 25, 1975
Mandel, Charles, “City Galleries Orchestrate Perehudoff’s Color Music”, ‘Edmonton Journal’, March 11, 1994
Matousek, Phylis, “Chording in color is Perehudoff Touch”, ‘Edmonton Journal’, March 2, 1985, D5
McRoberts, Vivienne, “Bank’s Art Collection Has People Talking”, ‘ Edmonton Journal’
Metcalfe, W.H., “The Winnipeg Free Press”, May,1950
Millard, Peter, “Eleven Saskatchewan Artists at the Mendel Gallery”, ‘The Sheaf” Tues. , September 26,1967
Moffet, Kenworth, “Moffet’s Artletter”, Vol. 1, No. 10, Dec. 1986,p. 5
Muskal, Helen, “Perehudoff Paintings Fine Tuned Colour Fields”, ‘ Edmonton Journal’ March 26, 1988
Murray, Joan, The Best Contemporary Canadian Art, c 1987 Hurtig Publishers, Edmonton, p.9
Murray, Joan, Canadian Art in the 20th Century, c 1999 Dundurne Press, Toronto, Oxford, Simon and Pierre Publishers
Nachtigall, Jill, “Recent Acquisitions”, ‘Vista”, Dec-Feb. 2000-2001, Published by the MacKenzie Art Gallery, Regina, Sask.
Nixon, Virginia, “Greenberg Works Prove Colourful if Not Painted”, ‘The Gazette, June 1970
O’Brian, John, ‘The Flatside of the Landscape’, 1989 Mendel Art Gallery, p. 88 & 115
Paulson, Joanne, “Rising Through the Ranks”, Saturday, September 2, 2000, D1
Pedherney, D. G., “Saskatchewan and Manitoba”, ‘ArtsWest’, april, 1983, Vol.8, No.4,p.9
Philpott, Elmore, ‘Prairie Art’, 1950
Powers, Ned, “Perehudoff Art in the New York Exhibit”, ‘The Star-Phoenix, Saskatoon, Monday, April 29, 1974,p.8
Purdie, James, “Six Solitudes in Canadian Art”, ‘The Globe and Mail’ Feb. 5, Sat., 1977
Richard, Paul, “Choice Canadian Colour”, ‘The Washington Post’, Thurs. Feb.3, 1977
Richards, Jean, “New Year’s Resolve, Take a Closer Look, ‘Edmonton Journal’, Friday, January 5 , 1973, TAB 6
Righetti, Brenda, “Honorary Degree Recipients”, Annual Fall Convocation, University of Regina, Saturday, October 18, 2003, p.4
Robertson, Sheila, “National Parks Celebrated”, ‘Star-Phoenix’, A6, Sat. Nov. 2, 1985
Robertson, Sheila, “Outstanding in His Field”, ‘Saskatoon Star Phoenix’, D12 Sat. Nov. 6,1993
Sabbath, Lawrence, “Exhibition Sheds Light on Spanish Painters”, ‘The Gazette, Montreal’, Saturday, March 17, 1984, B-9
Simmins, B. Richard, “Saskatoon, Regina Art on Display in Gallery”, ‘Leader Post,’, Nov.15, 1953
Stacy, Robert,(editor) Achieving the Modern, c1993 Winnipeg Art Gallery, Paperworks Press, a division of Sundog Printing Ltd. , Printed in Canada
Steele, Bob, “Bill Perehudoff Farmer-Painter, ‘Union Farmer’, Jan. 1951, p.21
Steele, Bob, “Perehudoff – Prairie Artist: Personal Notes”, Catalogue essay, c 1997 Douglas Udell, January 31, 1997
S., J. “At One-Man -Show”, Saskatoon Star Phoenix, 1948,p.4
S., J. “Art Centre Show” , Saskatoon Star Phoenix, August 15, 1947,p. 6
S., J. “The Prospectors”, ‘Saskatoon Star-Phoenix’, Thurs. , Feb 17, 1949
S., J. “Fresco Painting in Saskatoon, A Whole Room in Fresco”, ‘Saskatoon Star Phoenix’,1953
Tarasoff, Koozma J., Spirit – Wrestlers’ Voices, 1998 LEGAS, ‘Artists of Doukhobor Heritage’, by Jan Kabatoff,pp.45-47
Tarasoff, Koozma J.,Spirit Wrestlers: Doukhobor Pioneers’ Strategies for Living, c2002 LEGAS and Spirit Wrestlers Publishing, Printed and bound in Canada, pp.117-119
Tousley, Nancy, ”Three Canadian Artists Offer Varied Visions of Nature”, ‘the Calgary Herald’, Thurs, Nov. 19, 1981, D8
Tousley, Nancy, William Perehudoff, c The Mendel Art Gallery, 1993, Published by the Mendel Art Gallery for the exhibition William Perehudoff, Printed by Printwest Communications in Saskatoon
Townshend, Nancy, “Perehudoff”, ‘Medicine Hat Press’, Feb.26, 1982
Toupin, G., “Une Peinture Bel et Bien Vivante”, ‘La Presse’, Montreal, Jan. 18,1975
Tannous, David, “14 Canadians at the Hirshorn”, ‘Washington Calendar Magazine’, 1977, p.34
Walker, Kathleen, “Canadian Canvas” ‘Ottawa Citizen’, Feb. 1, 1975
Webster, Judith, Voices of Canada – Introduction to Canadian Culture, “The Art Scene in Canada”, c 1977 Association for Canadian Studies in the United States, Burlington, Vermont, The George Little Press Inc., pp. 15-18
White, Jean M. White, “Friends and Neighbors”, ‘Washington Post’, Feb. 3, 1977
Wilkin, Karen, “Report From the West”, ‘Art in America’, May-June, 1972, (vol.60, no.3)p.102-105
Wilkin, Karen, “William Perehudoff”, ‘ArtsCanada’, Early Autumn, 1972(vol. 29, no.3)p.102
Wilkin, Karen, “William Perehudoff”, ‘Art International’, July/August 1977, (vol. 21, no.4)p.16
Wilkin, Karen, “Rugged Individualists”, ‘Art News’, Feb.,1979(vol.78. no.1)pp.84-88
Wilkin, Karen, The Hudson 55 Review, Magazine of Literature and Arts, 55th Anniversary Year, p.683, 2004
Sara Angel, Founder and Executive Director of the Art Canada Institute recently spent a morning at the Michael Gibson Gallery. Join Angel as she receives a tour of the exhibit "Chroma" and discusses with Michael Gibson and Jennie Kraehling the many artists exploring glorious colour through their artworks.