Curnoe Ewen Falk Moppett

CURNOE EWEN FALK MOPPETT  — April 4 – 27, 2013


Curnoe Ewen Falk Moppett was first exhibited at the Norman Mackenzie Art Gallery, University of Regina in 1982. Originally curated by Mayo Graham, our 2013 April exhibition revisits this important show.

“When I began curating this exhibition, my first call was to Mayo Graham, the curator of the original 1982 exhibition. She was very supportive and maybe even a bit curious about my energy to try and pull it off again. She told me her vision was to show what she felt was important in Canadian art in 1982. Clearly she has a great eye if you look at the original catalogue.

I did not attempt to re-create the former exhibition, but instead looked at the four artists now. I get great pleasure in the work, risk and reward of mounting such an exhibition. With both 20/20 hindsight, and my deep personal admiration for each of the four artists, I was keen to attempt my version. What began as a phone call has evolved into an exhibition that examines the artist’s self. You, the viewer, can fill in the blanks from there.”

Michael Gibson