Jack Cocker “Holiday From Real”

Jack Cocker “Holiday From Real”  July 4 – August 2, 2024

For his 2nd solo exhibition at MGG, emerging artist Jack Cocker has created a groundbreaking suite of new paintings exploring his interest of “the figure in the landscape”.  A 2024 BFA graduate from Western University, Cocker approaches painting with the mindset that the landscape is no longer limited to the sublime, rather he paints it as he sees it, seeking familiarity, and curiosity, evoking strong personal connections.

“Currently in my practice, I use figurative and landscape painting to explore familiar imagery from SW Ontario with an emphasis on ideas such as genuineness, connection, spirit, and memory.  The subjects that I choose to paint (which often stem from a fragment of an image like a figure or a landmark, a memory, or a story that I have heard), spark a prolonged curiosity which demands they be explored through the act of painting.  Often, these subjects are very familiar with some sort of personal connection, giving the paintings an autobiographical undertone.  While the image and its backstory remain important to me, it is the process of negotiating each image with both the volatile and process-based nature of paint combined with my imagination that continues to make painting challenging and deeply rewarding for me.”

Jack CockerLondon, ON emerging artist Jack Cocker (born 2001) grew up in Norwich, ON.  After graduating from high school, he attended H.B. Beal Secondary School in London.  In June 2024 he graduated from Western University with his BFA, Honours Specialization in Studio Art.

Recent group exhibitions include “Allegory”, artLAB Gallery and “Goodness, Present and Hallowed”, artLAB Vitrine at Western University in 2023.

In his paintings, he explores the often overlooked familiar subjects found in rural and urban areas surrounding his home in South-Western Ontario as well as the province of Quebec.


Visit Jack Cocker’s Artist Page HERE