The Grand Theatre will be showcasing artworks from partnering galleries throughout the theatre during the month long production. As part of our participation, the Grand has extended a 25% discount off tickets to any of the following shows:
Tuesday, Feb. 21 – 7:30pm
Wednesday, Feb. 22 – 7:30pm
Thursday, Feb. 23 – 7:30pm
Saturday Feb. 25 – 8pm
Sunday, Feb. 26 – 2pm
Contact us HERE if you are interested in this opportunity.
Serge spends an enormous sum of money on what appears to be nothing more than a white canvas. His old friend, Marc, thinks Serge is the sucker of the century. Their mutual friend, Yvan, tries to broker a truce, but just aggravates both of them. This Tony award-winning masterpiece, directed by Nigel Shawn Williams, explores the idea of what, if anything, defines art – and friendship.