Day & McLean @ Children’s Museum

New London Children’s Museum Opens with Susan Day 600SQFT mosaic and Jason McLean’s Smartcar.

Susan Day‘s monumental 600 SQ FT mosaic is now complete and soon will be enjoyed by thousands of families at the newly opened London Children’s Museum at 100 Kellog’s Lane.  The massive mosaic wall, located at the entrance of the museum, welcomes every visitor and will be a major highlight for the children who helped Day create the individual clay tiles.  Read more about the development of Day’s mosaic HERE.

Jason McLean‘s smartcar has also found a permanent home at the London Children’s Museum.  Thanks to the generous support of the Good Foundation, the car is parked proudly in their Community Routes exhibit, a child-sized town perfect for McLean’s imaginative, painted car. Read the history of Jason McLean’s Smartcar HERE.

Visit London Children’s Museum HERE