Jason McLean Show in Brooklyn

Jason McLean’s “Lettuce Legs” exhibition opens at Cinders Hausclub, 700 Lorimer Street, 2nd Floor, Brooklyn, NY on Saturday May 23 from 7-10pm

Jason Mclean is a Canadian artist currently living in Brooklyn. We first met Jason nearly a decade ago when we had begun our love affair with the loose-knit scene of artists popping up in places such as Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal. We found a like-minded spirit in their work that was raw, fun, collaborative, and not afraid to be humorous either. Jason Mclean along with the Royal Art Lodge, Marc Bell, Mark Delong, and Amy Lockhart were at the forefront of this wave of serious doodlers and so we are proud to finally present the work of Jason Mclean at the Cinders Hausclub all this month!

Looking at the prolific body of Jason’s work is to enter the artist’s mind. His paintings, drawings and collages are road maps to his life and surroundings, full of subtle messages and clues to find the various pirate treasures of our daily existence. Be it on huge pieces of paper, napkins, little bits of trash, or a smart car, Jason’s subconscious spills out through his hands on whatever is in front of him. This month we will feature a good snapshot of Jason’s recent work in New York from little collages to big paintings on paper, drawings on doors, and other meticulously handled found objects.


