-Never assume collecting is about money.
-Look, Look and then Look some more. Visiting galleries and websites will educate your “art-buying” eye.
-Try to keep an open mind. Don’t write off a gallery if you don’t like their current show. Sign up for their newsletter to find out about monthly exhibitions & events.
-Buy art that you have an emotional reaction to: positively or negatively.
-Buy art from a dealer who you are comfortable with and trust.
-Think twice before involving your interior decorator.
-Research an artist. Know their background, influences and past work.
-Make sure you’re getting the best of an artist’s work, in a given series, or from a set period of time.
-Be up front about your budget and how much you are willing to spend.
-Try to buy the best piece you can afford.
-Pay for the work if you have committed to buy it. Don’t abuse the “reserve” privilege.
-Challenge yourself by purchasing something that is outside of your comfort zone.
-Take advantage of openings, tours and studio visits sponsored by local art galleries and museums.
-Talk to curators and other experts about a particular artwork or artist.
-There are no secrets – collecting art will change your life.