New Arrival – 1980s Robert Natkin Painting

Robert Natkin

New Arrival – 1980s Robert Natkin Painting

Robert Natkin(1930-2010) was an American abstract painter closely connected with Abstract Expressionism and colour field painting.  From a luminous New York mural in the lobby of a corner of Rockefeller Centre to nun and art critic Sister Wendy Beckett championing his paintings, Natkin’s abstraction combined the playfulness of Klee and Kandinsky and the colour of Matisse and Bonnard.

Using cloths and netting as stencils, along with organic, free-flowing brushstrokes and carefully considered arrangements of shapes, the canvases are visually complex.  Light, texture, pattern and emotive colour combine in this beautiful abstract.

His paintings are in the collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Whitney Museum of American Art and the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden.

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